Burial processions are depressing, tearful events. Sadder still, when people make their last visits to a cemetery on the same day they bury acquaintances, friends, and even loved ones. With a simple toss of dirt, a final goodbye muttered into the wind, and moral obligations complete, most will never return.
The dead are left to their solitude, their misery ... neglected and forgotten. Beneath sacred grounds, cemeteries fight to keep these forgotten souls within their crumbling gates, to protect them against the sinister forces that consistently pull from the molten pits of another world. But their hold is weakening.
Andrea has long conversed with the dead, and has waited for the one who would help her on a most important quest to release these forgotten souls. She finds her partner in Darren, a recently graduated young man who is desperately searching for his calling. Together, the two set out on a journey to accomplish a seemingly insurmountable task, unaware of the horrible danger they are both in. If they should fail, humanity will pay the ultimate price on account of its negligence.